Friday, June 08, 2007


I've always liked Supervisor Daly. He's a little over the top for my liking on a few things but after all, this is San Francisco. But, I think he's definitely out to lunch on the potential nixing of the Blue Angels. I'm an anti war type, hardcore Democrat but this is a nutty idea. Fleet Week is the last vestige of military in this area. I don't particular like the Blue Angels wasting tax payer dollars but still, they represent the military. After the the Presidio and Letterman Hospital closed, the community lost any vestige of the uniform.

Our community has no visual reminders of the price of freedom. We never see any soldiers. I often think that those like Supervisor Daly might have benefited from a tour in the Marines. Maybe he could just have a talk with Supervisor Ammiano and Police Commissioner Sparks, two Vietnam vets. Oh well...